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Be Encouraged in Your Faith

Word Matters




I write in several genres. Sometimes it is obvious that I am a Christian. But not always! I enjoy writing bible studies for others to be encouraged in their Christian faith.


My Youtube channel is my way to communicate with others. Find me at Youtube Reverend Rosalie Weller. At the end of each talk, I read one of my poems on the topic.


Family life is important to me. My husband of forty years is Syd - a swashbuckling sailor! We have five children and eight grandchildren. 


History is a hobby of mine. I am particularly interested in the 17th century and Oliver Cromwell. My historical fiction novels feature him and his family!

Available at Amazon

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Bible Study
Bible Study Guides

links will connect you to Amazon to get a copy.

Is Faith Enough?

Finding Jesus

This is a collection of 12 bible studies for self-study or groups, predominantly from the gospel of Luke.

The Prison Letters

The Prison Letters is a collection of 14 bible studies based on the apostle Paul's writings from prison. The books of the bible studied are Philemon, Ephesians, Colossians and Philippians.


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This collection of 12 bible studies provides a snapshot of the life of David, the man "after God's own heart". The studies are based on the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 Kings.

Grow Up!

Grow up consists of 16 Bible Studies. Hebrews is a fascinating book of the bible to study. With its Jewish backdrop and lofty images, it is a book every Christian should study. This book contains bible passages to study, commentary and questions for groups.

Lent and the Pilgrim

This thought-provoking collection of 12 Bible Studies is particularly relevant for Lent and Easter but can be fruitfully used at any time.

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Historical Fiction

Cromwell and Elizabeth: The Beginning  tells the story of Elizabeth Bourchier the daughter of a leather trader in the 17th century. Elizabeth meets and marries Oliver Cromwell, who is later to become the Protector of England. It details their courtship and the early years of their marriage.  




Photography - Christian Posters


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For any questions you have, you can reach me here:


Rev Rosalie Weller





Facebook: in the LordJesus Rev Rosalie Weller or personal messenger to Rosalie Weller

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