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Being There (Mother’s Day)


When I was a child she was there;

To wash my face and comb my hair,

To smooth my tears when I fell down

To pick me up with a worried frown.


When I was six and went to school she was there.

To hear me read and practise sums

To listen to stories of my chums.

Yes, she was there.


Every birthday, she’d give me a party

With jelly and chips, and coke and smarties.

And then I would fall asleep,

Fat, tired and full of treats.


It was at her knee I heard about Jesus.

His love, his pain and how He leads us.

Her trust, her faith somehow before us

She said, one day we’d rise victorious.


Then I grew up and moved away,

Til it came to my wedding day

And she was there.


Years went by – I lost touch.

Forgot to visit – didn’t care much.

I had problems, things didn’t go smooth;

Cleaning the house, cooking the food.

Changing the nappies, I’d had enough.

Things were starting to get a bit tough.

Then she was there.


She dried my tears and made some tea.

I was a bit big to sit on her knee.

She said to me, “You’d better get smart.

Pray to Jesus and give Him your heart.”

Well from that day I started again,

Listening to mum with Jesus as my friend.


It may have been hard but I’m still there.

Years older – a little scarred

But I’ve learnt the lesson of being a mum

Standing firm on Jesus whatever may come.

Now I’m not worrying about being the best.

Just “being there” til I go to my rest.

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Rev Rosalie Weller





Facebook: in the LordJesus Rev Rosalie Weller or personal messenger to Rosalie Weller

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