Other published works

1. Inclusion in a Scripture Union Devotional Book 2020, published by Scripture Union South Africa 2020, editor Alan Pitt
Week January 13-19: Culture cushions controversial Christ
Week April 6-12: Eggsellent Easter,
To be published in 2023 "Closer to God 2023"
Devotional Week

2. Short story: Mila goes to Granny's house included in anthology of ghost stories, "And Ghosts are real too" Edited by Michael J Richards, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2018), Northants' Writers Ink
3. Article on Woman Alive blog "Six Things you need to know about life with God partly reprinted here, published 14 July 2020
In August we start a new series on the life lessons from ordinary women of faith. Rosalie is in her 70s, here are six key things she wants to share with you
1.Pray, pray, pray and then pray some more
(With the risk you will be called sanctimonious)
2. Always leave room for the third option
3. Don’t let age be a hindrance
(But remember it may take longer to get out of bed these days)
4. Embrace change, don’t resist it
5. Discard what you don’t need. Don’t hoard it
(Especially toilet rolls)
6. Don’t set anything in concrete
(Except garden sculptures)